Insight of the Week

Justify Why Customers Reached the End of a Catalog

If customers reach the end of a catalog, they contemplate the reason. One hypothesis? They didn't like the products. Therefore, shift this rationale.

Nick Kolenda
Last updated November 3, 2023
End of a product catalog with "Can't Decide?" and relevant links (e.g., Take Our Quiz, Talk to an Expert)


Humans seem rational.

Feel hungry? You eat something.

But this sequence can be flipped:

Eat something? You infer hunger. But was it? Maybe it was stress or boredom.

Humans often act, then justify with logic. This fallacy — rationalization — can be seen in cognitive dissonance and other pivotal theories (see Cushman, 2020 for a review).

It also happens in ecommerce.

If a customer reaches the end of your catalog, they might infer: Hmm, I reached the end without choosing a product. Guess I don't like any of them.

But were they disinterested? Or merely indecisive?

Help customers rationalize this behavior. At the end of your catalog, insert a statement to shift their rationale from dislike to indecision:

  • Can't decide? Take our quiz to find the right product.
  • Can't decide? Let our experts help.
  • Can't decide? Build your own bundle.

This framing will justify their behavior: Hmm, I reached the end without choosing a product. Oh, it's because I can't decide. All the products are good.

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