
Insert the User's Photo into the Interface

Bridge the gap between the real and digital world.

Photo of user next to "My Account" link in upper right corner of interface


Ask customers to upload a profile photo on your website.


  • Implicit Egotism. Customers prefer stimuli related to themselves. If you display their photo in a navigation menu, you activate positive emotions on every page of your website (see Pelham, Mirenberg, & Jones, 2002).
  • Personal Connection. This photo bridges the gap into the digital world. If customers see their photo near a product, they can imagine buying and using this product because they are physically (and thus conceptually) closer to it.

Other takeaways:

  • Optimize the Photo Quality. Customers are more likely to buy something when they see a photo that makes them look attractive. They feel more confident, and they attribute this confidence to the purchase decision (Jiang, Xu, Gorlin, & Dhar, 2021).

  • Jiang, Z., Xu, J., Gorlin, M., & Dhar, R. (2021). Beautiful and confident: how boosting self-perceived attractiveness reduces preference uncertainty in context-dependent choices. Journal of Marketing Research, 58(5), 908-924.
  • Pelham, B. W., Mirenberg, M. C., & Jones, J. T. (2002). Why Susie sells seashells by the seashore: implicit egotism and major life decisions. Journal of personality and social psychology, 82(4), 469.