
Position Images on the Left

Your right hemisphere will process the left side of advertisements.

An ad for jeans with the picture of jeans toward the left


You evaluate stimuli differently on the left or right:

...a stimulus presented in the left visual field (LVF) is initially received and processed by the right hemisphere (RH), and a stimulus presented in the right visual field (RVF) is initially projected to and processed by the left hemisphere (LH; Bourne, 2006, p. 374)

Your right hemisphere will process the left side of advertisements. Therefore, place images in these locations:

Because the right hemisphere is better suited to process pictorial information and the left one is more logical and verbal, placing the image on the left hand side of the text enhances the processing of the whole message (Grobelny & Michalski, 2015, p. 87)

  • Bourne, V. J. (2006). The divided visual field paradigm: Methodological considerations. Laterality, 11(4), 373-393.
  • Grobelny, J., & Michalski, R. (2015). The role of background color, interletter spacing, and font size on preferences in the digital presentation of a product. Computers in Human Behavior, 43, 85-100.