
Distinguish the Most Expensive Option

Customers evaluate this option first, so this price becomes an anchor point for the subsequent prices.

Two pricing plans: $49 and $99. The $99 plan has a more vibrant background.


Marketers can boost revenue by sort prices from highest to lowest (Suk, Lee, & Lichenstein, 2012).

But this rigid sequence is unnecessary.

The real effect stems from the order in which prices are evaluated. You could achieve the same effect by adding a visual distinction to the most expensive option. Customers evaluate this product first, which inflates their reference price. All of the adjacent prices will seem cheaper.

Caveat: If the expensive plan only satisfies a tiny segment of customers, then emphasize a more popular plan.

  • Suk, K., Lee, J., & Lichtenstein, D. R. (2012). The influence of price presentation order on consumer choice. Journal of Marketing Research, 49(5), 708-717.