
Reduce Color in Text-Filled Ads

Text and movement can distract viewers from evaluating the ad message.

Two ads with a picture and text. In one ad, the picture is desaturated to signify this tactic as a best practice.


Do viewers need to evaluate your ad message?

Don't use vibrant colors. Grayscale performs better:

When the substantial resources devoted to ad processing are inadequate for thorough ad scrutiny, black-and-white ads or those that color highlight aspects highly relevant to ad claims are more persuasive (Meyers-Levy & Peracchio, 1995, p. 121)

  • Meyers-Levy, J., & Peracchio, L. A. (1995). Understanding the effects of color: How the correspondence between available and required resources affects attitudes. Journal of consumer research, 22(2), 121-138.
  • Shani-Feinstein, Y., Kyung, E. J., & Goldenberg, J. (2022). Moving, fast or slow: How perceived speed influences mental representation and decision making. Journal of Consumer Research, 49(3), 520-542.