
Address All Relevant Terms During a Negotiation

Job negotiations involve more than just salary. Addressing all terms will help both parties find the best possible deal.

Job offer includes salary, commissions, benefits, vacation, remote work policy


In negotiations, your biggest enemy is a fixed pie mentality.

Consider a job negotiation. The employer offers $110,000. But you want $130,000. With a fixed pie, at least one party needs to concede. Typically, both parties concede to the middle — in this case $120,000.

But this final agreement is worse for both parties. With the right approach, your deals can be favorable to both parties.

How? Avoid fixating on a single metric (e.g., salary).

Instead, you need to address all terms. For job negotiations, address the terms beyond salary:

  • Benefits
  • Vacation days
  • Commissions
  • Working from home
  • Scheduled raises
  • Other perks

By listing all terms, your negotiation becomes more flexible. You might accept the $110,000 salary if you can work from home for two days each week.