
Add a Simple Contingency to Offers

Contingencies make it seem like you are sacrificing, so buyers want to reciprocate by accepting.

Person says "I could do $90k if you offer health insurance"


Paradoxically, you can enhance your offer by asking for more value.

Research confirms that contingencies are persuasive: Hmm, I could sell the product for $64 if you agree to post a review afterward (Blanchard & Carlson, 2016).

Contingencies make it seem like you are sacrificing. Thus, buyers want to reciprocate by accepting.

This strategy can bypass the tug-of-war in salary negotiation: You request $95k...they counter with $85k... you meet at $90k.

Instead, a contingency can distract them from this instinctive compromise: I could do $95k if there’s a good benefits package.

Perhaps you already know they offer good benefits. It doesn’t matter — this mere request will frame your offer as a sacrifice. Your counterpart will perceive less room to negotiate.

  • Blanchard, S. J., Carlson, K. A., & Hyodo, J. D. (2016). The favor request effect: requesting a favor from consumers to seal the deal. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(6), 985-1001.