
Choose Words That Are Easy to Imagine

Help customers imagine the benefits they would receive from your product.

Bag of chips with 10 grams, and "grams" is replaced with "pieces"


Visualization is a key motivator.

If customers imagine consuming your product, they can gauge their emotional response (and decide whether it's worthwhile to buy).

Therefore, describe cookies in terms of “bags” or “pieces” (rather than “ounces” or “grams”) to help them visualize this experience (Monnier & Thomas, 2022).

Or apply this technique in your own life.

Stop writing vague tasks in your calendar, like "study" at 2pm. What does ”study” mean? Study chemistry? Memorize notecards? Read a textbook? This vague language instills an ambiguous mental image.

Instead, write a concrete task – Review past exams – so that you can visualize this behavior. It will seem easier to do.

Always strive toward concrete instructions:

  • Vague: Sign up for an account
  • Concrete: Create a username and password

  • Monnier, A., & Thomas, M. (2022). Experiential and Analytical Price Evaluations: How Experiential Product Description Affects Prices. Journal of Consumer Research.