
Gather Benchmark Data Before Negotiating

Determine the type of deal that you should be receiving.

Writing $95,000 for an average salary


Without benchmark data, you risk accepting a bad offer.

  • Negotiating a Job? Get data on salaries (e.g., PayScale, LinkedIn, recruiters).
  • Buying a Car? Research your car's make, model, and year (e.g., Kelly Blue Book)
  • Hiring a Vendor? Talk to other businesses in your industry.

Plus, you'll get these benefits:

  • Credibility. Your counterpart won't feed you false information if they believe that you've done your homework.
  • Avoid Bias. Managers are unaware of their biases — race, gender, personal, or even if they're having a bad day. Objective data can hold them accountable.
  • Stronger Position. If you convey that you know your worth, counterparts will be less likely to take advantage of you.