
Depict Information With Positive Frames

Negative frames instill a mental image of the negative event.

"Leak-proof" is better than "no leaks"


Negative frames depict the absence of events. Our product:

  • …doesn’t leak.
  • …has no BPA.
  • …won’t scratch your car.

Good intentions? Yes. Persuasive? No.

Negative frames are harmful because they depict the negative event (Jacoby, Nelson, & Hoyer, 1982). It resembles the phrase: Don’t think of a pink elephant. People read the previous sentence by imagining a pink elephant.

Therefore, write sentences that depict pleasant events.

  • Negative: Our cream won’t hurt your skin.
  • Positive: Our cream is soft and gentle on your skin.

If you need to mention the absence of an unpleasant event, morph this word into a positive framing:

  • Leak-proof
  • BPA-free
  • Scratch-free

“Doesn’t leak” generates an image of something leaking, but “leak-proof” generates an image of durable material.

  • Jacoby, J., Nelson, M. C., & Hoyer, W. D. (1982). Corrective advertising and affirmative disclosure statements: their potential for confusing and misleading the consumer. Journal of Marketing, 46(1), 61-72.